A Writer's Musings

As you know I don’t usually do many tags on Cookie Break, but since I’ve had an influx of new followers recently (HELLO!! *waves*) I thought this was a good moment to tell you all a bit more about myself 🙂

I was tagged for this weeks ago by my lovely fellow writer and good friend Mollie – check out her blog if you haven’t already, it’s full of witty posts, adorable animals, and some truly amazing writing!

1. What is your middle name?
I don’t have one 😦 I’m open to ideas, though, I did always want one!

2. What was your favourite subject at school?
Art, it was the only thing I was good at. We didn’t have cool subjects like literature.

3. What is you favourite drink?

4. Favourite food?

EVERYTHING! It depends on my mood, but generally anything with cheese will do. I could also happily eat pasta and risotto every day for the rest of my life.

cheese 3

cheese 2 cheese 1
5. What is the last thing you bought?

Two folders – one for each new WIP. Orange for Immortals (temp. title), and a slightly larger green one for Soul of the Heart 😉

6. Is there anything I should know?
I don’t know! Ask away if I’ve given you cause for concern.

7. Favourite colour?
Red? I used to be picky but now I like most colours. Hot pink is a little too girly for me, though.

8. Do you have any pets?
I have my Sellybean! Stay around this blog for long enough and I expect you’ll become well acquainted. Here she is getting between me and my draft-

mascot 2

9. Favourite perfume?
I don’t wear perfume. I bought one ages ago which smells of cherry blossoms, but I keep forgetting to use it. The last time I remembered is months ago!

10. What was the last picture you took with your phone?


11. Do you speak any other languages?
I speak German more or less fluently. I’m teaching myself Japanese and am very far from fluent.

12. How many siblings do you have?
None. Although, wait, are we speaking biologically only? I do have a best friend who’s like a sister!

13. What is your favourite shop?



14. Favourite restaurant?

I don’t have a firm favourite, but depending on my mood anywhere selling burgers or Italian food will do. Or Japanese food – I love Wagamama! Or Ed’s Diner, I guess – I love their milkshakes and hot dogs!

I’m not picky 🙂

15. What phone do you have?
Erm… An Android.

16. How tall are you?

5.4 – I was tall when I (and my feet at size 7) stopped growing in 6th or 7th grade, but I’m slowly coming to terms with being fairly short.

17. Can you cook?
I’m no professional cook by any means, but I’d like to think that I haven’t had a disaster in the kitchen for a while!


Baking counts, right? I make a good sponge cake.

18. Have you ever been stung by a bee?
I’ve never been stung by a bee, but I’ve been stung by a wasp once when I was little. It hurt like a bitch, but I was allowed to stay inside all day after and watch cartoons with ice cream, so there was an upside 😛 My Mum says I stepped into a nest once when I was a toddler and got stung then, but I’m okay with not remembering that.

19. What is your best childhood memory?
Sleep-overs with my best friend. Being asked, repeatedly, to tidy my room and getting lost in a book instead.

20. How would your friends describe you?
I dunno, you’d have to ask them. The mental one?

21. Watch TV or read?

22. eBook or Paperback?

I do use both, but I prefer paperbacks. You can’t beat the smell of a new book, or the feel of its pages between your fingers ❤ I do see the advantage to having a kindle when you only have a small bookshelf (like me), and my next book haul will be eBooks only, but I prefer paperbacks.

23. Plane or train?
Bus 🙂 I hardly ever go anywhere by plane or train, but I take the bus every day to get into work.

24. What is your definition of family?
Your family isn’t defined by your genes. People you’re related to can be just as distant as that stranger you sometimes see on the other side of the road, while your friends and loved ones can be closer to you and mean more to you than your relatives.

25. Why did you choose to be a writer?
That’s like asking someone why they chose to be gay. I didn’t choose to be a writer, I just am.

born this way

Because I’m so behind on doing this I won’t tag anyone, but if you’d like to do this go ahead 🙂 I’d appreciate it if you tagged me though so I can be nosy ^-^


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