
Happy first day of the madness, everyone! Are you prepared? Are you ready? This is my first year doing NaNo, and I’m beyond excited for it! (something that won’t survive the first week, I’m sure)

Notebook? Check. Tea bags? Check. Best cookies ever? Check. Kitty pen? Check. BRING IT ON, NANO!

Best of luck to everyone taking part this year! Make another tea. Soldier on. Persevere. You’ve got this!

And don’t forget to reward yourself for hitting those word counts! 50K is a massive goal, and you’ve earned something nice to celebrate your achievements. What are you going to do to stay motivated? This is my reward plan:



An ESO wolf mount, because look at it. It’s adorable. Why ride a horse when you can ride a f*cking wolf? It’s majestic!



I devoured the first book, and Book 2 has been out since Halloween so this should see me to the 30K mark!

***50K – THE GRAND PRICE!***



Need I say more? I loved Six of Crows and Crooked Kingdom, and am not ready to leave Bardugo’s world just yet. If this doesn’t see me all the way to the end, nothing will. Besides the promise of unlimited cake, perhaps. Would anyone like to promise me unlimited cake if I get to 50K? No? Fair enough 😦

Throughout November I’ll be sharing info about my current WIP, and I’m really excited to finally share those bits with you! I feel very strongly about this story, the characters and the world, and am looking forward to revealing a little more 🙂

Happy writing, everyone! Don’t let the madness overtake you! (or do – whichever helps your writing) Nervous? Scared? Feeling the insanity already? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Add me on the website (SarinaLanger), and we can cheer each other on 🙂


For all of my other musings, click me!

For Cookie Break’s home page, have a look here.